Shennong Variety Management LTD (SVM)
Shennong Variety Management Ltd. is an Intellectual Property (IP) company that manages the importation, propagation, evaluation and commercializtion of new fruit varieties throughout the Chinese provinces. SVM is a New Zealand foreign-owned company that was established in 2006. The company is based in Shenzhen, servicing local farmers and businesses.
A key shareholder and strategic partner of SVM is Joy Wing Mau (JWM), a leading wholesaler of fresh fruits. JWM distributes kiwi fruit, blueberry, orange, cherry, grape, apple, and other fruits.
SVM provides a range of services to international variety owners and breeders, including variety introduction, security, evaluation, legal protection, and recommendations in regard to the best commercialization options in China. The company’s focus includes apples, pears, grapes, stone fruits and other fruit crops.
Since the company’s inception, SVM has established an extensive company structure that allows the company to devolop and commercialize new fruit varieties. The company structure includes a post-entry quarantine service, virus testing facility, secure testing sites, budwood repository, and variety hub, all which are necessary for the control and protection of intellectual property that SVM represents.
SVM was accepted as AIGN’s® (Associated International Group of Nurseries) representative in China in September 2008. Through its shareholders and AIGN® membership, the company has vast experience in the production and protection of intellectual property.

Contact Person:
Chang Liang, Operations Manager
Room 1237, Tower B
Tiansha International Center No. 8 Taoyuan Road Shenzhen, China
Web Address: