Viveros Requinoa LTDA
Our work is technically sponsored and highly advanced. We are represented by the foremost growers and geneticists in the U.S. and Europe, helping to create what we believe are the best varieties in the fruit industry.
These world-renowned geneticists assist in testing and evaluating new material in Chile and abroad. With our nation’s patent protection laws, we guarantee variety protection and thereby introduce these important varieties in Chile.
We rely on five quarantine stations licensed and controlled by the National Service Agricola (SAG) and Cattleman through which we support material for testing. During their growth, the sanitary state is rigorously controlled by SAG technical personnel. Once the quarantine requirements are met, the material is planted in a mother block.
We are also growers of more than 1,000 hectares of fruit trees, two centers of fruit packing and cold storage. Viveros Requinoa is a partner in C & D, a company that exports our fruit. Thanks to our fruit quality, many of our clients are the finest supermarket chains in the world.
Annually, our company representatives travel the globe seeking new varieties to maintain our leadership and reputation as a major Chilean fruit industry contributor.

Contact: Juan Enrique Concha Larrain, General Manager
Victoria Subercaseaux 323
Santiago, Chile
Phone: +56 72 255 1916