
Los Alamos de ROSAUER S.A. (LARSA).

Founded in 1920, LARSA is operated by the second and third generations of the Rosauer family. It’s located in the high valleys of Neuquen and Rio Negro Provinces. Covering 50,000 hectares, this region is the main production area of pip and stone fruits in Argentina. Favorable weather and soil conditions along with irrigation make it perfect for this type of fruit.

LARSA is well known in domestic and foreign markets mainly as a fruit tree and rose bush nursery. They devote 250 hectares to these activities and 200 employees are part of a group of specialized professionals. On about 20 hectares, research and development of new plant varieties takes place along with new growing techniques.

Annual production is one million fruit trees where apples represent 65%, pears 20% and stone fruit 15%. 300,000 rose bushes complete the offer.

LARSA also has conventional and organic fruit production (apples and pears) in an orchard of 75 hectares located next to the nursery.

To face the demanding challenges, LARSA has placed itself strategically as part of the AIGN® and it has subscribed important agreements for experimentation and commercial representations

Juan Martin Rosauer

Ruta 151 Km 3,6
Cipolletti, Rio Negro, Argentina

