South Korea
KJ Orchard
KJ Orchard’s main business is planting new varieties and the distribution of fresh produce throughout South Korea. We have had multiple years of experience promoting new varieties within South Korea and, in 2009, introduced the first branded Chilean Kiwifruit in Korea. We are a fairly young company but come with experienced directors. Our President, Hee Jeung Kim, has 15 years of experience in the fresh fruit market as a Marketing and Creative Director. H.J. Kim was Korea’s market manager for ZESPRI Ltd. from 1997 to 2006. KJ Orchard believes that it is time to introduce value-added and market-oriented varieties into Korea and strives not only to be a success with AIGN® but to make the agricultural growers in Korea successful as well.
We believe in a different tomorrow.

Kim Hee Jeung
6th Floor, 438 Songpa-daero
Songpa-gu, Seoul
Republic of Korea
Phone: +82-2-514-7630
Fax: +82-2-514-7632