Joy-Wing Mau joins AIGN

Joy-Wing Mau joins AIGN The International Group of Nurseries
(AIGN) based in Yakima, Washington State and with members in Europe, South Africa, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, S. Korea and China, has announced that Joy-Wing Mau of China has become an equity holder in the Shennong Variety Management (SVM) company in China. SVM in turn is a stock holder of AIGN.
AIGN is very excited to have such a reputable company become a part of the global AIGN system. AIGN is the first international group in the world (having formed in 1988) to manage Intellectual Property rights and commercialization on behalf of breeders. AIGN currently represents breeders from Federal Programs, State Programs, Universities’, Research Institutions and private programs.
Joy Wing Mau is a highly integrated company that not only grows products, but also processes, markets and distributes products throughout China. Joy Wing Mau, by becoming a member of SVM and therefore AIGN, is illustrating their interest and respect for intellectual property that has new and exciting possibilities for the market in China.
AIGN welcomes the expertise that Joy Wing Mau adds to the commercialization possibilities of the products that it represents.
AIGN is scheduled to have their next Annual General Meeting in various venues in China during the last week of May