AIGN® celebrates 30 years

AIGN® celebrates 30 years as a leader in the nursery industry
The Directors and Management Team of the Associated International Group of Nurseries (AIGN®) gathered in Havelock North, New Zealand in late May for their annual general meeting according to Company President, Mr. Lynnell Brandt. “The year 2018 marks the 30th anniversary for AIGN®, making it the oldest and most experienced international company of its kind in the tree nursery industry,” said Mr. Brandt. This group of progressive tree nursery professionals works together to commercialize and bring to market exciting new varieties and eating experiences for the consumer, while collectively protecting the intellectual property rights of the tree breeders and other stakeholders of the product.
During the week-long conference hosted by the New Zealand Fruit Tree Company, the directors reviewed and updated the company vision, mission statements, principles and strategies. They also received status reports on all projects under development as well as updates on all on-going fruit varieties currently under management of AIGN®. Intellectual property protection continues to be a challenge for proprietary varieties, making the company’s Hertha™ horticultural database an increasingly valuable tool to the members of AIGN® and their customers. Hertha™ allows data sharing, documentation and management of time-sensitive processes related to trademark and registration of products and is like no other product in use in the industry. In addition to completing their extensive meeting agenda, the directors and management team spent time touring orchards and packing facilities in New Zealand, meeting industry representatives, and making visits to Prevar and Plant and Food Research in New Zealand to evaluate new and emerging varieties on the verge of introduction.